Our Attorneys
Anthony Baudler | Associate Attorney
Camille S. Brown | Attorney
Real Estate | Corporate | Estate Planning | Estate & Trust Administration
cbrown@smithpauley.com | (712) 255-1085
Joel Carney | Administrative Partner
Anthony P. DeLuca | Partner
Estate Planning | Estate & Trust Administration | Business Succession Planning
adeluca@smithpauley.com | (402) 501-8116
Alex Dehner | Associate Attorney
Sarah D. Duey | Partner
Estate Planning | Probate & Trust Administration | Charitable and Nonprofit Planning
sduey@smithpauley.com | (402) 505-8108
Nick Handrich | Associate Attorney
Corporate Law | Mergers & Acquisitions | Cybersecurity | Real Estate
nhandrich@smithpauley.com | (402) 501-8114
Andrew J. Huber | Partner
Corporate | Estate Planning | Estate and Trust Administration | Business Succession Planning
ahuber@smithpauley.com | (402) 501-8120
Shaun Michelle James | Attorney
Real Estate | Corporate | Zoning and Land Development | Estate Planning | Property Tax Appeals
sjames@smithpauley.com | (402) 505-8104
Seth McCauley | Associate Attorney
Nick Montague | Partner
Estate Planning | Probate & Trust Administration | Charitable and Nonprofit Planning | Business Succession Planning
nmontague@smithpauley.com | (402) 501-8122
Anne Marie O’Brien | Partner
Jacob H. Owens | Associate Attorney, CPA
Transactional Law | Corporate Law | Tax Law | Mergers & Acquisitions | Real Estate
jowens@smithpauley.com | (402) 981-8047
Daniel C. Pauley | Partner
Corporate | Estate Planning | Estate and Trust Administration | Private Wealth & Family Office | Real Estate
dpauley@smithpauley.com | (402) 501-8107
Grant Paschke | Associate Attorney
Estate Planning & Administration | Real Estate | Business Law | Civil Litigation | Banking
gpaschke@smithauley.com | (531) 225-3023
Sean P. Paul | Associate Attorney
Barb Prchal | Partner
Katherine “Katy” Rehan | Partner
Employment Law | Real Estate | Mergers & Acquisitions | Business Transactions | Commercial Litigation
krehan@smithpauley.com | (402) 501-8128
Robert J. Rehan | Partner
Clay M. Rogers | Partner
Corporate | Commercial | Mediation | Bankruptcy | Real Estate
crogers@smithpauley.com | (402) 501-8112
David J. Schmitt | Partner
Civil Litigation | FELA Railroad Defense | Personal Injury Litigation | Federal and State Court Appeals
dschmitt@smithpauley.com | (402) 501-8129
Tyler S. Seals | Partner
Corporate | Mergers & Acquisitions | Private Equity | Venture Capital & Growth Equity
tseals@smithpauley.com | (402) 501-8113
H. Daniel Smith | Partner & Managing Partner
Real Estate Financing | Banking and Finance | Commercial Real Estate | Real Estate Development | Technology | Mezzanine Lending
dsmith@smithpauley.com | (402) 501-8130